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When it comes to eating healthy and promoting a holistic approach to healthy living, nothing excites me more. As a member of the Ocular Nutrition Society, I consider it pure joy to promote #eyedealfoods.

Everyone knows what we eat matters. Evidence based medicine has proven to us that the body needs antioxidants to slow the aging cells in us. Vitamin C and E are two V"EYE"TAMINS with such tremendous benefits.

These vitamins have been found to decrease the development or progression of cataracts.

Some of the results are listed below:

higher intakes of vitamin C led to a reduced risk for cortical and nuclear cataracts according to the Nutrition and Vision Project

Folks who used vitamin C and E supplements for more than 10 years had decreased progression of nuclear cataracts.

Another analysis of results from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that higher levels of vitamin C in the diet were associated with lower risk of cataracts.

In the Nurses' Health Study, cataract surgery was reduced among women who used vitamin C supplements for 10 years or longer.

In the Longitudinal Study of Cataract, taking a vitamin E supplement for at least a year was associated with a reduced risk of nuclear cataracts becoming more severe.

A reduced risk for nuclear and cortical cataracts among people using multivitamins or any supplement containing vitamins C and E was found in the five-year follow-up to the Beaver Dam Eye Study.

Lots of vegetables and fruits have these v"eye"tamins in them.

Good Food Sources of Vitamin C

Orange juice,

Grapefruit juice,




Green peppers, raw chopped

Tomato juice


Broccoli, raw chopped



Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 13

Good Food Sources of Vitamin E


Sunflower seeds

Safflower oil


Peanut butter

Corn oil

Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 13

©2023 by Vine Eye Care.

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