Vital Visual Skills

According to the College of optometrist in Visual Development, there are 17 visual skills needed in reading, writing ,sports and in life.
The 17 skills are listed below
1) Eye Movement Control: The ability to move both eyes together to point at an intended target or follow along a path, like a line of text
2) Simultaneous Focus at Far: Forming a clear image of something in the distance
3) Sustaining Focus at Far: Keeping an image of something in the distance clear
4) Simultaneous Focus at Near: Forming a clear image of something close to the eyes
5) Sustaining Focus at Near: Keeping a clear image of something close to the eyes
6) Simultaneous Alignment at Far: Lining up both eyes at the same point the distance
7) Sustaining Alignment at Far: Holding both eyes lined up at the same point in the distance
8) Simultaneous Alignment at Near: Lining up both eyes at the same point up close
9) Sustaining Alignment at Near: Holding both eyes lined up at the same point up close
10) Central Vision (Visual Acuity): This is where "20/20" vision comes in!
11) Peripheral Vision: Being able to see what's on either side of you while your eyes are pointed forward
12) Depth Awareness: Being able to tell that things are further away or closer up than each other (also know as depth perception)
13) Color Perception: Being able to tell different colors apart (if you are not color-blind)
14) Gross Visual-Motor: Moving yourself through space without bumping into things by using information from your vision
15) Fine Visual-Motor: Writing, sewing, texting, and doing other small and close-up activities with accuracy by using information from your vision
16) Visual Perception: Being aware of your environment and what is going on around you in your visual field (the area you can see)
17) Visual Integration: Bringing together your vision and your other senses to accomplish complex tasks, like reading while walking a balance beam
Click the link above to see what you score on your visual skills assessment. Call to book an appointment today.